Veteran actor Venkatesh’s film Sankranthiki Vasthunam emerges as the biggest hit amidst recent releases, crossing ₹100 crore in just six days. The film’s eight-day total...
Ram Gopal Varma and Amitabh Bachchan have collaborated on many movies like ‘Sarkar’, ‘Sarkar Raj’, ‘Nishabd’ among others. The actor-director duo share a great work...
Game Changer, starring Ram Charan and directed by Shankar, has failed to connect with mass audiences, resulting in significant losses for distributors, particularly in North...
The ‘RRR’ star Ram Charan started the year 2025 with a bang. His highly anticipated movie ‘Game Changer’ featuring Kiara Advani has an impressive opening...
PRAYAGRAJ: Allahabad high court judge Justice Shekhar Yadav, whose speech at a VHP event in Dec kicked up a controversy, has expressed his inability to...