Salman Khan, after hosting Bigg Boss 18, is concentrating on his upcoming film, Sikandar, set to release on Eid 2025. Directed by AR Murugadoss, this...
As tensions escalated, a male flight attendant joined in, presenting an ultimatum: the hoodie comes off, or Garcia gets off. A Texas man was escorted...
When caught by traffic police, most people react with seriousness or fear, but one woman took an entirely unexpected approach that stunned netizens and officers....
The Kapoor family celebrated Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary with a star-studded event. Kartik Aaryan interacted with Alia Bhatt, sparking viral interest. In a fan...
A photo has surfaced on social media, allegedly showing the knife fragment that reportedly broke off and became lodged in Saif Ali Khan’s spine during...
Sam Konstas (Screengrabs) NEW DELHI: In a humorous incident, a fan’s enthusiasm to capture a photo with the rising Australian rising star, Sam Konstas, led...
The viral garbage truck (Picture credit: X) The garbage truck that played a key role in one of US President-elect Donald Trump’s most viral campaign...